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Trading Signals

Leverage our top-notch trading signals to find profitable trades.

Trading Signals alleviate the challenges traders face. Switching between charts and analyzing indicators consumes time and leads to errors. New traders, lacking knowledge, make emotionally driven decisions, resulting in rapid losses and decreased trading activity.

To combat this, we analyze the top 10 reliable technical indicators. Choose the ones that align with your strategy. Additionally, our inclusion of “Market sentiment” enhances the indicators, revealing prevailing short or long positions in the market. Empower your trading with Trading Signals.

Warning: The data/figures are historic and are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Past Performance is not an indicator of future results. 

– Timeframe is a period of time used group quotes while outlining a price chart. For example: M30 

– Indicators are the accumulation of various trading metrics such as price – Trading tips advise the trading strategies that should be taken based on our comprehensive analysis of indicators. 

– Period is a tool used to choose a timeframe during which historical data is displayed. 

– Trading instruments are market assets; when their prices change – Market Sentiment indicates the percentage of long and short positions opened in various trading instruments. 

– Volatility record is historical data on the price fluctuation rate of a financial instrument over various time periods. 

– Range sets the number of weeks during which data is displayed.